TyRANnoSaurus Wrecks & Iconic Jesus
You've been spot on all along - for years. -- from one of my Southern Cone -South American readers, who sent me the following link. Watch at the 3:32 to 4:28 time stamp, and any other parts that interest you. The demons are here, and they are in human bodies.
Life In The Shadow Of TRIBULATION
The satanic, TyRANnoSaurus wrecks (click the t(r)@**y wrecks link, watch it all, and you will see what I mean) litter the social landscape. You see their demonic influence everywhere: art, fashion, advertising, TV, movies, magazines, the Internet, music videos, mainstream news media, alternative news media, sports, academe; they are proliferating by leaps and bounds, and they are taking human society down.
Many other parts of the TRIBULATION video also made an impact on me, including the segments featuring empty store shelves and failing, global supply chains that feed the USSA's economy and population. Yes, they are being made to fail, that is very true, but that does not alter the fact that they are failing, and that the failure of the global supply chains feeding the USSA effectively means the abrupt end of the USSA and its consumer society. I have repeatedly said that the USSA is going to go down very, very hard and it absolutely will. That process has begun; it is now well underway.
To be sure, the v(@)xxscene mandates are a big part of the choreographed take down of the USSA. It's hard to know exactly, but maybe one-third of the adult population, the most intelligent third of the population, are refusing the Big Pharma demon jab. Airline pilots, first responders, medical personnel, municipal employees, military pilots, and employees and workers in other skilled sectors are walking off the job in droves rather than take the death jab.
The World Economic Forum global planners and their Big Pharma sidekicks will, of course, have anticipated the push back, and labor walkouts. They don't care. All they want is to get the body count up. The labor walk outs will further contribute to crippling national economies and deepening the social and economic misery for myriad millions the world over, all of which the demonic monsters at the WEF welcome.
To me, it is obvious what happens when the trucks stop running, when the stores have no food or close their doors, when crucial supplies such as gasoline, diesel and heating fuel are in short supply, or not to be had at any price. Everything grinds to a halt. That means that when it is -18 degrees Fahrenheit in Milwaukee, Indianapolis, Chicago, Des Moines, Minneapolis, Sioux Falls, Omaha, Buffalo, Rochester, Bismarck, Fargo and Green Bay, and there is no heating oil, furnaces will fail in entire apartment blocks and millions of houses, pipes will freeze and burst, fires will break out; but fire departments will have no diesel to power their trucks and water pumps, and anyway there will be no water pressure, because so many millions of pipes will have burst that municipal water systems will be leaking like sieves.
I'm sorry, it pains me to write the words, but what is coming is going to be positively biblical in scope and impact. My conscious mind sees that, and my subconscious mind persists in showing me dream after dream that emphasize that reality. The immense, onrushing crisis will result in a global wave of suffering and death such as none of us have ever seen or lived through in our lives, and that is if the nuclear missiles remain in their silos. If the nukes are unleashed from submarines, bombers and missile silos, then everything will self-evidently ramp up to an even greater level of death, destruction and horror.
Eastern Orthodox Jesus In The Sky
In the very last days of October, I had a powerfully portentous dream that filled me with stupendous awe and anticipation. Jesus appeared in the sky. I had the impression that his appearance was astrologically timed, and was inevitable; that it would occur like universal clockwork and is unstoppable. He was huge, depicted in iconic fashion inside an enormous picture frame that was thousands of feet tall, something like this:
He was the backdrop for a huge, Eastern Orthodox Christian-like basilica in the forefront, not unlike this:
An hour or so later, I had a follow-up segment to the dream in which it was revealed to me that Jesus' appearance would be accompanied by major, natural disasters that would cost many lives.
This particular Jesus dream came exactly four months after the repeating dream I had four months prior, in which both God and Moses appeared to me to communicate: "In four." And now Jesus has appeared in impressive fashion. My subconscious is being vividly signaled by powerful, biblical characters, the biggest in the Judeo-Christian tradition: God, Moses and Jesus.
I am drawing the obvious conclusion: biblical events are in the pipeline, and headed towards us.
A week or so before that a woman appeared to my inner view to speak two words to me and then explain their importance: unconditional love. She was of a Caucasian race, fair haired and light skinned, but clearly not of terrestrial origin. Her facial features were different; her nose, mouth, eyes, ears and their arrangement on her head were sufficiently outside the range of the terrestrial norm, that she was clearly not of Earth. She was very calm, serene, self-assured, kindly and soft spoken. She exuded femininity. I liked her!
She pointedly emphasized the crucial importance of unconditional love. She explicitly mentioned those two words. Love for the unrepentant alcoholics, the thieves, the murderers, the men who disembowel and decapitate other men in the prisons here in Ecuador, the narco-traffickers, the human traffickers, the Satanists?
This is a tough nut to crack, for sure. Love, but not a doormat, and not a compliant victim of evil doers. Can tough love also be unconditional love? Probably.
I'm working on that. Every situation is different. Take the man who almost killed me in December of 2012, for instance. I do not desire angry vengeance, though if the opportunity ever presents itself I would put him into prison. A man who did what he did to me is entirely capable of doing the same to others, or worse, and quite probably has. Does unconditional love also consider the well being of other (possible) victims of an evil doer? I think so.
Last year I was walking down the sidewalk right beside a well known park in central Quito. In mid-afternoon I was accosted out of the blue by a group of three young punks. The leader came right up to me, got into my space and pulled out a serious looking knife. He held it to my abdomen in a threatening manner. It was clearly a mortal threat, and not the first time my life had been threatened. I almost felt like telling him: "Hey, kid, you want to kill me? Take a number and get in line, like everyone else!"
Instead, I felt tremendous calm. I realized that the situation could go south in a split second, and yet I felt no great fear. I knew what to do. I defused the situation within seconds, by a combination of verbal and nonverbal, and specific, physical measures, none of which were violent, and all of which were calculated to put three, criminal, armed, young, street toughs with more testosterone than common sense, at complete ease. My response was along the lines of: "I'm not the droid you're looking for." They silently went their way.
Do I unconditionally love those guys? Weelll, let me just say that while I don't hate them, I do wish they would devote themselves to loftier pursuits than roaming the sidewalks of Quito robbing and sticking knives in people. I for sure do not desire to pal around with them. Armed assault/robbery is not my thing. But unconditional love for them? In a criminally insane, violent world how do we practice unconditional love? That's the question. How do we pragmatically do that?
Anyway, all of that is prelude to yet another dream I had a few nights ago in which I was weeping profusely, uncontrollably, with tremendous, indescribable, life changing RELIEF. I told someone standing nearby: "I always knew that this would happen in my lifetime! It's a really, very, very good day for me and for people like me, and simultaneously the horrifically most dreadful, worst nightmare imaginable come true for myriad others."
The bottom line is that my subconscious thinks that big things are going to be happening soon. My conscious mind is paying close attention.
I absolutely need and gratefully accept any and all donations. Everything that we have known in our lifetimes is about to go bye-bye and will never be back again, not ever. If you are able and willing to donate it will be a great help for me at a time of tremendous need. For how to make a cash donation please contact me at: dr.samizdat1618@gmail.com This is the preferred method of donation for me right now.