The USSA Navy Undersea Base Illustrations of Walter Koerschner
For my readers who are receiving this blog post via email or a feed, please be advised that his blog post contains many illustrations below that may be stripped out by your email program or the automatic feed. You must click through to my blog to see the illustrations:
All of the illustrations are from the USSA Navy's "Rock Site" Undersea Base R&D Program at China Lake Naval Weapons Station in California, circa 1966. These are the original illustrations done by Walter Koerschner, the military illustrator attached to the project, and personally passed to me by him almost 15 years ago.
The illustrations must be credited as follows:
Walter Koerschner, military illustrator for US Navy "Rock Site" R&D Program, China Lake Naval Weapons Station, California, circa 1966.
These illustrations are Copyleft. No one holds the rights to them. They may be used, but not sold as such. They are in the public domain. They were freely given to me by Walter Koerschner with the intent that they be published, and I freely give them to the world public. I provide much more context and explanations for these images in my book, Hidden in Plain Sight: Beyond the X-Files, which may be purchased at this link:
It is my understanding that large undersea bases of the sort depicted in these illustrations have been constructed and are in use for a variety of purposes.
Walter Koerschner is now deceased. He died several years ago.
I only ask that those who use these illustrations please make a donation in the memory of Walter Koerschner, who was a genuinely good and decent man, in the exact amount of £161.80 or $161.80 or €161.80 or ¥161.8 or ₽161.80 or ₪161.80, or using a multiple thereof, such as €16.18, or $1.618, or .01618 BTC, etc., in whatever your national currency happens to be, to a nonprofit food bank or food kitchen that feeds the poor and homeless in whatever country or city you may be: In memoriam of Walter Koerschner.