Morristown-NJ Droning of the Drones
In recent weeks there have been drones flying all over New Jersey, New York City and other places. The FAA, FBI and military agencies say that they are clueless. They allegedly have no idea what they are, where they’re coming from, or who/what is operating them. I don’t believe a word of it. They know a lot, but are unwilling to speak publicly.
Obviosly there is a lot of money and organizational clout behind these many drone sightings, numerous of which are said to be the size of automobiles. These are not little Radio Shack drones that you buy off the shelf; they are whopping big. Here’s a video from Morristown-New Jersey.
Hundreds of big drones, the size of a car, with bright lights in a triangular arrangement, flying all over the place in Morristown-NJ, zooming all over the area for hours, all night long.
In the 2000s, I talked to a retired military officeer with a PhD in one of the STEM disciplines, who worked on the UFO crash retrieval teams for Project Blue Book, decades ago. Project Blue Book had rapid response teams that would go out to scientifically examine crashed and shot down UFOs in situ before they were removed by the military to secure facilities for further examination and study. He told me that the Feds had gotten one that somewhat resembled a 1950s-style Studebaker with the fins on the back and everything.
Have the agencies back engineered that UFO? Are there now many of them in production and flying around? If so, who is operating them and to what purpose?
Or are the entities, whoever and whatever they might be, who are the originators of the Studebaker-like UFOs putting on a massive show of presence?
Or is something else entirely going on? With the profusion of drone technology in recent years, it’s hard to know.
Personal Accounts
A man whom I know here in Ecuador owns some acreage in one of the rural provinces. He was out in the yard in front of his home, when he noticed what appeared to be a large dragonfly hovering around him and following him. It was quite near him, almost within arm’s reach, so he got a very good look at it.
As he observed it, he noticed that it was not an organic, biological dragonfly, but was of artificial/synthetic manufacture. It had the outward semblance of a real dragonfly, but was not a genuine, biological insect.
As he made to enter the house, the “dragonfly” attempted to closely follow him through the door. He had to aggressively swat it away, to prevent it from getting inside the house.
The logical conclusion is that he was under some sort of surveillance using novel technology, by unknown entities, agents or agencies, for unknown reasons.
Who or what flies artificial, dragonfly, surveillance drones in rural Ecuador, and why? Who has that technology? I have many questions. Please tell me if you know, because I do not.
Another account comes from one of my Deep South readers who wrote in today to say that he has been under intrusive surveillance, and the subject of threats and attempts against his life. He has a drone story that has certain parallels with the dragonfly-style, surveillance drone seen here in rural Ecuador. He wrote:
…….. around dusk, this silent fully articulate drone appears that was approximately 9" long and was UPS-brown in color. It closely swooped my bedroom window right in front of me and I got a good 2 second glimpse of it. It departed directly towards a oak tree and at the last second avoided it. So it also apparently has some sort of onboard radar obstacle avoidance navigation system. I'm assuming this was all setup and another subject launched and operated this from line of sight.
So I got an excellent look at this drone which had dragonfly-type wings. The main section appeared to be perhaps a pingpong ball, and it had another smaller one as it's head. And a few more smaller oval sections for a tail. And it had a short metal beak.
So who/what is operating these weird drones? This reader also mentions intrusive stalking and harassment by the Jesuits. Are the Jesuits perhaps involved with drone surveillance of targeted individuals? If so, why? I am not in the loop, so I honestly have no firm evidence one way or the other.
And then in my own case, I was out one day recently doing some daily exercises, when I perceived a soft whirring nearby. I looked and a small drone was surveilling me from about 20 ft. away. I have absolutely no idea who or what was operating the drone, and why it was spying on me. I shouted at it to leave me alone, and stop spying on me. Soon thereafter, it rapidly ascended high into the sky and flew away.
Surveillance and intrusive stalking of numerous individuals in today’s world is rampant. In many cases it is not clear at all who/what is behind this massive surveillance operation.
CIA? FBI? NSA? National Police? Satanists? Rogue A.I.? E.T.s? Synthetic Humanoids?
Someone or something else?
If you know, or have applicable information, please write to me.
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