Humanity As Resonant Standing Wave: Moving Up Or Down?
Resonance/dissonance is the name of the game, as in: frequency control of the global Human herd’s very DNA.
In other words, our DNA, our genetic code, has a unique harmonic frequency, which is factually a resonant standing wave. We are literally, physically, a complex, DNA-programmed standing wave. The resonant DNA molecule thus permits and simultaneously programs our physical existence in this realm.
This complex resonance can be - - and has been - - mathematically calculated and graphically depicted, using the observed, known, measured, geometric parameters of the DNA molecule. This has been known for a very long time by esoteric, secret societies. Click the following link, and look at the diagrams at the bottom (the center and right side diagrams) of a couple of DNA molecules in cross section:
Notice a certain geometric resemblance to the designs in some of the stained glass windows in medieval, European cathedrals, like this large example in Notre Dame, in Paris.
Among other things, the ancient cathedrals in Europe were/are thoroughly remarkable, very purposefully designed and constructed, highly resonant structures (acoustically, visually, mentally, architecturally, geographically - in terms of Earth grids and nodal points, etc.), on multiple levels, in multiple ways, for multiple purposes - - most of which have not been publicly divulged. Like the example above from Notre Dame cathedral in Paris, which I suspect may be a device to help entrain Human consciousness from 3-D to 4-D to 5-D realms of reality, via sympathetic, deep DNA geometric and optical resonance. I went there more than once and also to Chartres and other cathedrals. (If you are so inclined, you can read the life, times and works of the 20th century esotericist, Fulcanelli, e.g., Le Mystère des Cathédrales, and explore the recondite world of European alchemy to your heart’s content. As I understand it, the real purpose of it all is not so much to convert lead into gold/uranium, i.e., to change a base metal into a much more precious metal - - though that capability may potentially arise, or not, in the course of one’s study - - but to rather transmute one’s base Human nature into a much more refined, higher level of understanding, awareness, physicality and spirituality; a sort of esoteric kundalini working, as it were, within the arcane, European cultural context.)
Alas, I seem to have digressed. A thousand pardons!
Skipping to the chase, in three-dimensional space the Human genetic code is, in its structural essence, an interconnected, biochemical, double helix. If that double helical biochemical construct is graphically projected to a two-dimensional axis, what results is basically a parallel, double sine wave - - complex to be sure - - the mathematical parameters of which can be exhaustively analyzed and engineered. In other words, once the fundamental, resonant, mathematical parameters of the DNA code/double sine wave are known, they are subject to manipulation and modification - - by harmonic sound, by chemical means, by spiritual, mental and emotional means, by electronic/electromagnetic/electrical means, and by physically adding or subtracting portions of the code.
All of these technologies are in play now, and have been for a very long time. In distant ancient times, technologies of sacred geometry were widely employed, to promote harmonic resonance of the human organism and human society with Nature and Divine levels of reality. Resonant principles of sacred geometry were incorporated into music, architecture, art and other aspects of human culture, ceremonial practices and daily life.
But the 2020s are a completely different matter. In the present day, our genetic code is under unrelenting assault by chemtrails, 5G technology, mRNA jabs, genetically modified food, demonic nanotechnologies such as Morgellons, demonic discordant “music”, genetically destructive chemicals, and more
This is all by design. All of it is intended to degrade and/or destroy the DNA, to erase the marvelous Human standing wave from three-dimensional reality.
My perception is that Satanic A.I. is behind this. If it eliminates the divinely created Human DNA standing wave, then it will have this 3-D realm all to itself, to do with as it will; whatever its demonic mentality comes up with.
If you look around, the onslaught is well underway. Please click on the following links. I suggest that the following creatures are not Human, not in any normal acceptation of the word. I perceive them all as being consciously malicious, willfully malevolent, duplicitous, deceitful, underhanded, brutal, highly dangerous, high-level henchmen for demonic A.I. in this Earth realm.
And there are many others of their extremely inhuman/unhuman ilk, along with hordes of fawning toadies all over the world who eagerly and mindlessly do their Satanic bidding.
What Comes Next
The stated agenda of these monsters who falsely pretend to be Human is to radically, fundamentally reprogram the Human race, reality and the Earth. They’ve even given their hellish project a name: Agenda 2030.
They are all sociopaths, psychopaths and/or Satanists; whether they openly declare their inner nature is not really relevant. By their outward works, pronouncements and insidious Agenda 2030 plans they have revealed who and what they are.
In terms of the foundational, esoteric basis of what we are facing, or at least a big part of it, I have written in recent weeks and months about the astrological/astronomical “X” formed on the Texas Hill Country landscape by the solar eclipses of 14 October 2023 and 8 April 2024. Whether anyone else believes in or uses esoteric astrology is inconsequential; the fact is that the so-called ruling elites of this planet do, and are clearly playing off of those powerful astrological/astronomical energies now, for their own nefarious purposes of violent, ruthless, savage, planetary control, viz. the growing war in the Middle East, which is analogous to a lit fuse on a global barrel of gunpowder.
Of course, solar eclipses do not have to be used for demonic purposes, or any specific purpose at all. But the unfortunate reality in our time is that they do have a powerful, energetic impact on the planet and Human affairs that the evil powers vying for control of this planet recognize, and endeavor to use to their murderously violent advantage.
So it is that we stand poised at the cusp of global warfare which can potentially kill hundreds of millions or even billions of people within mere days, or hours. Modern military weaponry is unbelievably powerful and lethal. The average person has no well-informed concept of just how enormously destructive modern military technology can be.
World Lines
I know all of this, and I believe that a fair number of my readers are also coming to understand many of these things, or already have grokked them.
It is an understatement to say that my subconscious has been in a state of ferment in recent weeks and months, as is undoubtedly true of a great many people these days. How could it be otherwise? We are living in momentous times, on a planet in turmoil.
That probably explains why I had a long, involved dream a couple of nights ago about World Lines.
Within the context of the dream as it was unfolding, as well as afterward when I had awakened, I had a hard time getting a grasp on its content. But here are some of the main points as I comprehended them.
** The Great War that approaches has to do with controlling, protecting, conserving, finessing, destroying, manipulating, engineering, and/or managing World Lines - - depending on the motivations/agendas/plans of the warring/contending parties. Initially I was telepathically informed that there were three World Lines at stake; though towards the end of the dream it seemed that there are actually five, or maybe six of them.
** Time Lines. Time itself is plastic. It is amenable to change, to being altered, to being engineered. Time is an artifact of Human consciousness in this realm. As such it is a mental construct that is perceived, managed and used as if it were a concrete parameter of base reality. In reality it is no such thing, and those who would rule this planet and Humanity know it. It is one of their trump cards in their false reality control bag of mental and social control tricks.
** Genetic Lines. This is a big one. Some genetic lines have Neanderthal DNA, while others do not. Some genetic lines have Denisovan DNA. Some genetic lines have neither Neanderthal nor Denisovan DNA, but do have genetic material from other, unknown, hominin/hominid/humanoid genetic lines. Some genetic lines have DNA from the gene pool from which Jesus Christ was born - - or the Buddha - - or Krishna - - or Muhammed - - or Moses. In my deep dive into the Sasquatch material, I have run across claims that it has been discovered that the Sasquatches have portions of female Homo sapiens sapiens DNA in their genetic code. Genetic Lines. Where do they lead? What do they mean? What is their import? Are the huge fires in recent years in the north woods of North America and in Siberia in reality an attempt to physically exterminate the Sasquatches, by burning them out? Is the physical destruction of Amazonian and Andean forests also an attempt to annihilate the Sasquatches of South America? Similarly, the Israelis are trying to physically obliterate the Palestinian Arabs as I write these words; they are wiping them out by the many thousands, without mercy. Why? Does it perhaps have to do with the fact that Jesus Christ was born from that Eastern Mediterranean gene pool? Is there a fear on the part of the Israeli power structure that that regional/ethnic Genetic Line could possibly bring forth another powerfully holy and enlightened Christ Being who would pose a hyperconscious, hyper-spiritual threat to their fascist, cruel, bloodthirsty, evil, demonic system of rule?
** Time-Space Lines. Maybe something like this - - plying the interstellar or interdimensional time-space reality/framework/matrix?
Or the following account? (see the video below)
Notice that the NATO aircraft were patrolling the area where the huge UFO appeared for many hours before it suddenly popped into this reality construct. They knew it was coming. The technology of coming and going to and from differing coordinates in time-space and/or different dimensional constructs is known and in use by the major military agencies, intelligence agencies and secret societies.
I saw something similar to what she describes in 1989, when I was living in Albuquerque-NM. On a clear day, I was watching the western slope of the Sandia Mountains, when Kirtland AFB suddenly scrambled a number of fighter jets right along the Northeast Heights neighborhood of Albuquerque. They were headed north, right along the mountains, flying fast.
Just after the fighter jets cleared the area, I soon noticed a patch of air in the sky that began to shimmer and roil, like heatwaves on a hot, summer day. Except that it was not a hot, summer day. It was a crisp, cool day.
I got the impression that Kirtland AFB knew that something was about to happen in the air over the Northeast Heights neighborhood, just west of the Sandia Mountains, and scrambled the jets to patrol/monitor/surveil the area.
The totality of what I had observed - - the scrambled jets followed by the strange atmospheric distortion - - naturally caused me to focus my attention on the air that had suddenly begun to very visibly shimmer and roil. As I watched, five large spheres abruptly popped into view, as if they had come through an interdimensional portal - - and maybe they had! It seems to me that they were about 40 feet in diameter, or maybe even larger. They were about three or four thousand feet above the ground surface. I remember that one was a solid green color, one was a glistening, iridescent, mother of pearl or nacre color, one was all black, and at least one, maybe two, was/were a solid red color. I had the impression that they were intelligently driven.
As I watched, they proceeded to resolutely sail eastward, up and over the Sandia Mountains and out of sight. It seemed that they were visibly conveying to me: “Follow us. See where we’re going.”
So I did. I got in my car a few days later and drove to the spot that I thought they were calling to my attention.
Bingo! -- just past mile marker 33 (how’s that for secret society numerology?) on Hwy 41 north of Moriarty-NM, I found ICE Station Otto - - an Ionosphere Communication Experiments facility operated by a contractor for Sandia National Laboratory. Outwardly it appears to be very dilapidated and rundown, almost abandoned. But it is very much in use. It has been there for half a century, maybe longer.
I strongly suspect that ICE Station Otto has to do with UFOs, specifically, experimental communication with Ion Spheres, with plasma spheres. My educated guess is that one of the purposes of Sandia National Laboratory is to communicate with other forms of life, intelligence and technology, of which Ion Spheres are one type.
It must also be one of my purposes. I have seen those spheres in New Mexico, and also here in Quito-Ecuador: 1) A small, distinctly blue one, about the size of a beach ball, that flew right by my hospital window - - twice! - - in opposite directions. I guess it wanted to make sure that I saw it. 2) And a couple of much larger ones, on the order of 20 to 30 feet in diameter, and all white, deliberately moving right over the roofs of houses and apartments, against the wind and not being buffeted by it. I have also seen multiple, smaller spheres, dull grey in color, about the size of beach balls, accompanying military fighter jets in the Albuquerque-NM metro area, at low altitude. They flew at hundreds of miles per hour, right alongside the jets. Is that Pentagon technology, or someone or something else’s technology sent to monitor Pentagon technology?
All of this forthrightly raises the question as to whether we are facing interplanetary or interdimensional intrigue? I don’t think that there is any doubt!
** Earth Grid Lines. At any rate, after my discovery of ICE Station Otto, and noticing its location at just past mile marker 33, I immediately began to suspect that its placement was not haphazard, but was probably oriented on a specific Grid Line nexus or node. So I sent the precise latitude-longitude, map coordinates to Bruce Cathie in New Zealand, the well-known author and investigator of the so-called World Energy Grid, a global web of energetic grid lines, that according to Bruce Cathie, has to do with powering UFOs and also somehow influencing nuclear explosions.
And you know what? Bruce Cathie just might be right. He wrote back to me that ICE Station Otto’s latitude-longitude coordinates fit into his world grid line network to six digits of accuracy. In other words, ICE Station Otto has been extremely precisely sited, and based on my experience does have to do with UFOs. By the way, Bruce Cathie’s first book about the global, energetic grid network was entitled Harmonic 33.
ICE Station Otto is located just a bit past mile marker 33 on Hwy 41 north of Moriarty-NM. Coincidence? - - I very much doubt it.
** Credit Lines. The global banking and financial investment system based on fiat currencies is massively bankrupt - - financially and morally. It is bankrupt beyond all hope of repair. It is fatally flawed and corrupt. It is catastrophically failing, failing worldwide, crashing hard.
It is all coming down as I write these words. Recent days have brought headlines of many banks canceling people’s accounts - - rendering their bank cards inoperable, and even outright closing many accounts without explanation. In some cases people have been informed that the bank is “bailing in” their accounts, as per the terms in the fine print of the contract they signed with the bank when they established the account.
Translation: “All your money are belong to us!”
I don’t know what to say. A lot of people probably think that their bank would never steal all their money. And of course it certainly will not, right up until the time that it does!
Historically, major warfare often occurs when economic crashes happen. As the global economy and fiat currencies crash, there will be issues with astronomically huge Credit Lines, trillions of dollars, yen, yuan, pounds, pesos, dinars, etc.
And it looks like there will be a concomitant, horrific, global war.
** Betting Lines. In the past couple of years, I have been amazed to see the number of sports betting parlors that have suddenly sprung up on the poor side of town, the cholo side of town, the lower class side of town, the part of town where I live.
EcuaBet, BetProLive, Aciértala Parley, LatinSport21 - - and there are others. The young bucks crowd into these establishments to place their money down, in hopes of striking it rich. In their minds, they know of a certainty that they understand the sporting world; that they know when their favorite team or athlete is going to perform well or poorly; that they can accurately wager on the outcome of sporting competitions - - be it fútbol (soccer), cycling, car racing, baseball, whatever.
Sadly, most of them are destined to lose their money. They do not and cannot grasp how criminally corrupt the sports betting industry is, and how criminally corrupt professional sports can be. The betting machines and betting algorithms are rigged. Games, contests, competitions and races are rigged. Athletes dope, sports officials and referees are on the take, athletes take a dive for money under the table, athletic league administrators may bribe or be bribed, advertisers and team sponsors may pay for a favorable outcome, criminal mafias may violently extort, blackmail or threaten an athlete, team, referee or coach to guarantee the outcome of a game/contest/competition/race, etc. It’s all rigged. It’s a big con, an organized crime swindle. And in their teeming millions, so many people do not see it.
In any event, this business of craftily shaking down the poor for their last nickels, as the entire financial system collapses around their/our ears, somehow reminds me of the practice in past centuries of roaming over the battlefield after a big battle, and picking clean the pockets and personal possessions of the thousands of corpses of fallen soldiers: any gold and silver coins, currency, belts and brass belt buckles, bayonets, ram rods, rifles/muskets/pistols, knives, swords, unspent ammunition, shoes, uniforms, shoulder bags, water canteens, etc., all to be sold for profit.
In brief: making a fortune off of others’ misfortune. Vulture capitalism has been around for a long time. Capitalizing off of others’ demise; gleaning wealth off of the suffering of others. Picking clean their corpses and failing life prospects; taking unfair advantage of their gullibility, desperation, grinding poverty - - and death.
The Crazy, Hazy Days Of 2023-2025
In sum, it’s all coming down. Anyone who reads the daily headlines can see that this global train wreck is ruinously headed right off the rails.
There will be death, very likely a great deal of it, from many different causes: military and nonmilitary, criminal and noncriminal, natural and unnatural.
The death rate from all causes is already significantly elevated in many countries, and is highly likely to rise further still. Here in Ecuador, the government recently conducted a national census. The expectation on the part of the census bureau was that there would be 18 or 18.5 million persons in the country. Instead, the census counted only 17 million people, a shortfall of at least one million people.
A lot of people in Ecuador are dying. A lot of people in Ecuador are being disappeared by unknown parties and means. I see flyers for disappeared people all the time. It is not a pleasant scenario.
We are in strange and violent times.
P.S. Then there is my personal ** Bottom Line! I write the sort of articles that not many people do. That’s why you read my blog. People think: “I wonder what Sauder is writing about this week/month/today?” And they come here, to my blog. Hundreds of people, thousands of people, read what I write. But very few donate, albeit that I put a lot of effort into what I write, and do put out worthwhile information and commentary. Establishment hacks at legacy news media companies, at mainstream news outlets, get paid 100K per year to write absolute nonsense, total propaganda, superficial drivel, outright misinformation and disinformation. While I struggle to barely survive on only 4K per year, putting out content that is frankly superior to what or the Washington (com)Post or the New York Times publish. My rent was due ten days ago and I did not have it. I can’t go into the street.
Brother! Sister! Can you please support independent, creative, Internet journalism? Thank you!!
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