ABCs of Alternative Media "Controlled Opposition"
Notice something strange?
Governor Greg Abbott (R-TX) is the leader of the Great Texas Rebellion against the border and immigration edicts of the Federal government in Washington-DC, a rebellion that has ostensibly gained the support of 27 other states.
I’ve said this before and I’m saying it again: Greg Abbott is a WEF man. He has his own web page on the WEF website. Look:
For my part, I don’t doubt at all that there could be a very real Civil War 2.0 in the CONUS/U$$A, Inc. Things certainly appear to be headed that way. It has to be regarded as a very real possibility. It could start at any time.
But please understand that the ostensible leader of the “Rebellion” against the Feds is a WEF man. The fix is in. He’s a mother-WEFer potted plant. He’s a Klaus Schwab guy.
It’s in your face and yet for the most part the so-called “alternative” media are not daring to mention it. This burgeoning “Rebellion” is being betrayed, before it even starts. If the treachery were on the Left, they would be spluttering apoplectically, but since Gov. Abbott is allegedly on the Right, they say nothing. They’ve given him a pass.
That is the role of CONTROLLED OPPOSITION. Right down the line:
Jeff Rense
Alex Jones
Paul Craig Roberts
Steve Quayle
Benjamin Fulford (do you see any white hats? - I don’t)
Mike Adams
John B. Wells
Greg Hunter
I repeat: Gov. Greg Abbott is a mother-WEFer potted plant. He is an in house plant. He’s a Klaus Schwab guy.
To his credit, Dave Hodges gets it, or at least he has begun to edge in that direction, beginning to understand that it’s all a setup, that politics and war are a vicious, backstabbing, Machiavellian, free for all.
The war, if such it be, is not really on the Texas border - - it looks like it is, yes it does, but that’s black magic, political sleight of hand to keep you from focusing on the real problem centers - - and WEF “people” like Gov. Greg Abbott (R-TX) are not your friends at all. Yes, of course, there is tremendous trouble and confusion on the Texas border, there is no gainsaying that, but the problem does not originate there. The war, in so far as it is on this planet, is mostly being directed from Davos-Switzerland and Geneva-Switzerland, Washington-DC, Brussels-Belgium, Silicon Valley-California, Tel Aviv-Israel, and Manhattan Island- New York City. There are numerous lesser centers across the world, but those are major centers of Satanic darkness and inhumanity.
Now Gov. Greg Abbott (R-TX) and his co-conspirators may well gin up a major shooting conflict that gets a whole lot of people killed, with many of them all the while looking to Greg Abbott as a “leader” - - but when the dust clears and all the blood dries, win or lose, there he will be, sitting in his wheelchair - - a WEF man.
Get it? Win or lose, the WEF and Klaus Schwab have their WEF “people” already in place before anything even gets started. The Texas “rebels” have already been played in advance, and the vast majority of them have no clue.
The “alternative media” CONTROLLED OPPOSITION in the list above are not pointing out that the ostensible “leader” of the Texas Rebellion is a mother-WEFer.
Which reminds me that one of my long-time readers recently wrote me a bitter, drunken rant (not the first one) in which he angrily pointed out that with my blog posts I am “biting the hand that feeds me!”
But you know what? Not really, seeing as the vast majority of my readers never contribute financially, or even write to me - - about anything at all. And with regard to the CONTROLLED OPPOSITION in the list above - - they don’t/won’t interview me or have me on their shows. They do not even deign to respond to my emails. I am as if dead for them.
A few years back, I was doing an interview with a major, syndicated radio program, and during a station break the producer came on the line and said: “Richard, we’ve decided to drop you right here. We’re bringing on another guest.”
< click > Just like that.
It’s all controlled, very programmed. ALL OF IT. If you get out of bounds: < click > … you get cut off. You become the guy who moved to South America and lost his mind, you know, you don’t/won’t play the game by their controlled opposition rules.
Like George Carlin said: “It’s a big club, and you ain’t in it.”
So I’ll continue to call it like I see it, and let the chips fall where they may.
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